Technical Support
Game Questions

Website Questions

Standard Commands:

For Channel Operators:

Friends system:

Clan System

Ladder Commands:

In-Game Commands:

Custom Game Commands:




Warcraft Problems

No menu in Warcraft
Buttons Not Working in the Main Menu [b]- You need to run the war3.exe file itself, not through the launcher.[/b] [b]- Through it, everything will work as expected.[/b] [b]- Then change the image settings, save, and exit.[/b] [b]- Afterward, you can enter through the launcher.[/b>
DotA constantly redownloads / doesn't download the map

Crash it. FATAL ERROR (1)

- If the user asks for their points to be returned and leave to be removed, direct them to the Disconnect / Incorrect Points Allocation section.

But if they ask for help in resolving the issue, suggest installing this utility and updating all drivers.
Direction to Disconnect / Incorrect

Crash it. FATAL ERROR (2)

- If the user asks to have their points returned and to remove the leave, direct the user to the Disconnect / Incorrect Points Allocation section.

But if they ask for help in resolving the issue, suggest installing this utility and updating all drivers.
Direction to Disconnect / Incorrect

Crash it. FATAL ERROR (3)

- If the user asks to have their points returned and to remove the leave, direct the user to the Disconnect / Incorrect Points Allocation section.

But if they ask for help in resolving the issue, suggest installing this utility and updating all drivers.
Direction to Disconnect / Incorrect

You broke it! Crash info will be sent to our developers


5. Replays Are Not Saved / No "Save Replay" Button After the Game

6. Pink-Black Squares

7. Warcraft Bindings (Ctrl+Numbers) Don't Work with the Launcher Running

8. Cyrillic Characters Not Displayed

Issues with the Launcher

1. The launcher stopped working / The launcher was deleted

2. Hotkeys Are Not Working (Do Not Confuse with Warcraft Bindings Ctrl+Number)

Problems with Connecting to the Battle.net Server (iccup)

1. Could not connect to Battle.Net/Не удалось установить соединение

2. CD Key Is Blocked Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos (0)

3. Error When Trying to Save Data Downloaded from Battle.Net

4. Unable to Validate Game Version/Ошибка при проверке версии игры

Could not connect to Battle.Net Не удалось установить соединение

5. That account does not exist/Учётной записи с таким именем не существует

This line appears for several reasons: different account IDs (mostly after purchasing a nickname/renaming), ban by the antihack system, or entering incorrect data. 5.1 by antihack system The user states that they can log into the website, but in the game, it says the account doesn't exist or the password/nickname is incorrect. Check the user's logs and profile for bans by the antihack system. a) If nothing is found in the logs, and the account is old (older than the current season), the solution is to log in to the StealthBot and finger the nickname that the user can't log in with. For example: /finger Ninja_Jaguar, and if it says banned permanently, it means the ban was issued by the old antihack system, which didn't ban the forum account.

5.2 Entering Incorrect Data

The user writes the following: Make sure you are entering your login and/or password correctly. Try copying your user data and pasting it in the login fields. Close the game and delete the following registry: Start >> Run >> regedit (win+r) Delete: HKEY_CURRENT_USER >> Software >> Blizzard Entertainment >> WarCraft III >> String serbnet

5.3 Different Account IDs

Account ID on the website Open the list of games for the account you are checking. Account ID in the game /finger nickname The numbers represent the account ID (excluding the leading 0). If they are different, move the ticket to the "Account Recovery" section.

5.4 Can log in from the website, but not from Battle.net?

Check the user's profile. If the time of the last visit is not displayed below the avatar, move the ticket to "Account Recovery." It's possible that the account is blocked on Battle.net. In that case, check the logs. If a lock is present, respond according to the ban by the antihack system. /finger nickname
Drops without a reconnection timer / frequent disconnects (in development) For this problem, direct the user to the "Disconnects" section.


Check the in-game FPS value with the command /fps. If the FPS value is below 30, lower the graphics settings in Warcraft. Close all resource-intensive programs. Increase the paging file size. Also, enter the /p command on the channel and select the bot with the optimal ping for you using the /bot botname command and play on it. If the problem is not related to FPS and the bot (lag occurs at a ping of 30-40 ms), download this program. Conduct a trace and then the results (in the root of drive C in the iccup.trace folder) need to be archived, uploaded to a file-sharing service, and provide the link in the complaint.

Problems related to Custom Maps/Проблемы, связанные с Custom Maps

1. How to create a particular map?/Как создать конкретную карту?

- Enter the "/clist 1/2/3" command - any one digit, for example: "/clist 1." Find the desired map in the list, and you'll see a code for creating it. Type /chost "map code" and the game name, for example: /chost LTD gopoehali. If you didn't find the map on the host bots, you might be interested in how to create your own maps.

3. Any problems not related to our bots/Любые проблемы не с нашими ботами

- The iCCup administration cannot solve this issue because the bot is not from our platform. For such questions, contact the forum owner of this bot directly. It's better to use our bots for a more comfortable gaming experience with the /chost command.
Other problems/Другие проблемы

1. Can't see ladder games/Not enough ladder games in the list/Не видно ладдерных игр/мало ладдерных игр в списке

- For pro-account owners, you need to ensure that the appropriate checkboxes are selected in the launcher. Pro account -> game filters -> host bots/game types/modes. - Update the launcher to the latest version. Settings -> automatically update the launcher -> check. - At the beginning of the season, and depending on the time and player rank, there may be low online and games that the user can see but no one created. - Due to high ping, host bots automatically hide in game lists and are only visible for those that are comfortable to play with. To display games of bots where you have high ping, you need to manually select a bot with the /bot namebot command, for example: /bot ru4. The bot you select will show the games in your list.

2. Hoods in Battle.Net/Капюшоны в батле

- This is related to poor connection between the user and Battle.net. You need to turn off all programs that consume internet connection, especially (torrent, download managers, etc.).

3. Turning off autologin/Отключение автологина

Simple unchecking of autologin doesn't disable it completely. In other words, if you recheck it, it will immediately log in to the account that was in Battle.net before, which is very bad for those who play in gaming clubs. To disable autologin, you need to click on the red cross. After this action, even if you recheck the autologin, it won't start.

4. Awards/Награды

- These awards are designed for the game StarCraft. They may be reworked for Dota in the future. You will find out about it on the main ICCup website in the news feed when it happens.
If users are experiencing strange "disconnects," ask them to provide logs from the launcher: Upload them to a file-sharing service like RU FILES and provide them in this complaint.

Cannot see hero/skill animations in the game/Не видно анимации героев/скиллов в игре

First, suggest lowering the graphics settings if they are set to maximum for the user. If it doesn't help, then: We recommend updating the video card drivers and provide you with a collection of necessary programs for a full-fledged game in WC3, Utility

Windows on M1 Mac/Windows на Мак М1

Opening Ports for Game Creation


Admins Taking a Long Time to Respond


Good time of day. Most likely, you were kicked by teammates using the /votekick command. If you were kicked in this way, no leave is issued. If your teammates win, you will also get a win and points. If your teammates lose, your points will be deducted, and it will count as a loss. There will be no leaves.

Unable to Scroll Camera in the Game with the Mouse Wheel


If there's abuse of minimap pinging or chat flooding in the game, you should contact the relevant section.
If the launcher updates every time you launch it, you need to add the launcher to your antivirus and firewall exceptions.
The administration does not respond to complaints.

Can't enter a self-created game

Commands for -test mode


Shows as not in-game

Top-up Account

Password Change

New Season

Clans and Everything Related to Them

Missing Replay/Avatar Upload Button

Problems with Loading Replays

Broken Quotes on the Forum

Only for Authorized Users

Website Loading Slowly

Authentication Error

Game Not Appearing in Match List on the Website

How to Purchase Caps

Optimizing Warcraft for Windows 11

Can't Send Messages to Friends

Rename and Delete Account

Can't Send Messages to Friends

No List of Bots (Expanded Answer)
Drop Hack with Replay Saving
Failed to Initialize DirectX